Medulin Municipal
History Park

The Medulin Municipality

The Medulin Municipality was established at the very tip of the Istrian Peninsula in 1993, covering a surface area of 29.35 km2 with a population of about 6,500.

Medulin, Premantura, Banjole, Pomer, Vinkuran, Vintijan, Valbonaša and Pješčana Uvala are today mainly tourism communities, but residents also engage in farming and fishing or they work in the nearby city of Pula.

Medulin Bay

Medulin Bay is situated between Cape Kamenjak to the south-west and Cape Marler to the east.

The outer, open end is bounded to the south by the islets of Fenera, Šekovac, Ceja, Trumbuja, Bodulaš, Levan and Levanić. The islets at Pomer and Premantura are in the interior of the bay, adjacent to the seashore.

A stroll through the history of the Medulin area will acquaint you with the most important moments in the local life and times from prehistory to the present.

Let’s go!

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