Pomer is situated on the shore of the most deeply indented section of Medulin Bay, and its residents have traditionally engaged in agriculture, tending vineyards, olive groves and market gardens. Pomer natives are further known as fishers and shellfish farmers. Today tourism is also a well-developed branch.
The Pomer area has been inhabited since prehistory, and traces of life can be followed at the Kaštijun hillfort, while prehistoric pottery has been found on the islet of Pomer.
The cemeterial Church of St. Florus
The cemeterial Church of St. Florus is a Romanesque single-nave building with a prominent semi-circular apse, rebuilt in the 17th century. The apse has three layers of frescoes: the oldest is Romanesque, and the youngest dates to the end of the 15th century.Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Pomer, Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 14th centuryChurch of St. Fusca
Pomer, Church of St. Fusca in which Roman-era spolia were installedLife in Fontana Cove, at the Roman-era and medieval site of Sveti Ivan od Izvora (St. John of the Spring), proceeded until the Middle Ages, because we know of the existence of a Benedictine monastery at which there was mention in 1115 of Iohannes monacus Sancti Iohannis de Medilino.
The plague ravaged southern Istria, so this area was settled at the end of the 16th century by citizens of the Venetian Republic, and then by refugees from the Zadar area fleeing the Ottomans.
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