Kamenjak occupies a commanding position that throughout history has made it possible to oversee the maritime zone of southern Istria. Its long, indented shoreline with numerous coves was suited to the formation of Roman-era architectural complexes – villae rusticae, to gather, process, and distribute agricultural products from the fertile hinterland by land and by sea.
Today Cape Kamenjak is a sheltered natural landscape of great floral value, with 487 plant species that underscore its biodiversity.
As the sole known site in Croatia, Cape Kamenjak is a habitat for the least adder’s tongue, woolly chamomile and yellow centaury, threatened and protected plant species.
Yellow centaury
Cicendia filiformisWoolly chamomile
Anthemis tomentosaLeast adder’s tongue
Ophioglossum lusitanicumPorer
The Porer Lighthouse was constructed southwest of Cape Kamenjak in 1833. The 35 m high round stone tower is the tallest in Istria.
An uninhabited islet south-west of Cape Kamenjak is vital as one of the richest findsites for dinosaur footprints in Europe.
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